- By bijal
- April 28, 2023
- Alexis & Pamela
Please describe your skincare regimen
Submitted by: Dianna Pietrzak
AV – Love Skin Care it feels so good and the results if done well are amazing! I am a stickler with skin care most of the time depending on my travel schedule. If I am on the road over seas it is a pretty grueling Itinerary, so not much time to really do what I normally would. So when I am more home I may over due for the times of traveling when I can’t! I do and sometimes my clients if we are going 1,000 miles an hour we sleep or cat nap in our Makeup and yes it is true we do. It stays on well but you can not sleep on your face!! It is an easy touch up session in the morning or when ever we have to be Camera or Interview ready!! Yes AV Makeup stays up 48 hours if need be with some touch ups!! I am long winded because I usually have a story to go with my answers so they paint the picture for you.
Normal Face routine:
- Bedtime- as it is right now 3:21 am in the morning and I am still working here LOL I will use a Neutrogena towelette remover 1st I love them. Clean off most of what I had on. Eyes gently too! Then what did not come off I use our Alexis Swept Away Makeup Remover so gentle yet it works great on or around delicate eye area!
- Then I use YES soap (a good facial soap I love Olive Oil Kiss my Face) Olive oil is so good for your skin very rejuvenating a shoe in for Youthful and maintaining younger looking skin. I use a good soft cotton wash cloth to get a clean surface before I really do the skin care. Warm water…
- Now you have clean skin to start to work on nothing worse them using cleansers or mushing your makeup into your pores/skin CLEAN IT OFF 1ST! It saves your products as well! Clean surface so I then take a very good cleansing cream with a natural Sea Sponge face size not bath 😉 !! I really get the sides of my nose and all over. Rinse luke warm water too hot can cause too much redness to harsh.
- Then I use a gentle cleanser this time with a bit of scrub particles in it but never abrasive always natural, so as not to scratch the skin ever! It has to be natural like the orange peel or oatmeal -not sand or pits, seeds crushed up too harsh can cause Rousseau that never goes away or broken capillaries !
- I work and massage that for a moment or 2.
- Then I get a really good Natural again Scrub full on scrub this time and again for glowing radiant skin I massage this in the shower with the steam and hot but to too hot water. Massage for about 2 min. All over the face and neck!! Chest too!!! Exfoliater !!! Exfoliate!! :)) Rinse well and then pat dry!!
- Now we get an Astringent or a Toner depending on your skin type and unseeing a soft pure 100% Cotton pad clean again a few times all over to balance the PH of your skin!! Try to find a good one with PH for balancing your facial skin….If you do all this which is basically your own full on FACIAL 2-3 times a week you will and I promise you add 15 years of YOUTH to your face!! Glowing Power ladies this is how we do it.
- This is your MASK TIME so lay down for 10 min 20 is best with feet slightly elevated for great circulation to the face and use a Mud/Clay mask or green Tea is great too!! Best to let it dry but not bone dry that is too harsh ton your skin to get it off – This closes your pores and calms the skin!
- Now get out the Beauty Drops find some great ones there are many good products out there usually French Prod for face can be the best 😉 Massage that in well in prep for the next step.
- OK MOISTURIZER: YAY FINALLY Your face is prepped and primed and immaculate and ready for your Moisturize. Use a very rich one at night time it does make a difference. I do all of this routine about an hour prior before bedtime. Make sure your products are organic, vegan and try to use natural good pure products!! They have the best botanical oils and hydrating ingredients that are not only Anti Aging but if you can eat it know it will not hurt your skin rule of face & thumb LOL…Hint some favorite products are at the health food stores. **Always do all of this routine on Neck and chest too!! Forever and ever Amen~ xo
- Try to learn NOT to sleep on your face, sleep on your hand if you have to like a ledge you can learn to do this to prevent lines in your face. I never let my face touch the pillow. In-case it happens I use very good natural cotton hi thread count pillow cases. It does matter!!
- You will now have baby soft youthful skin when you awake it will look amazing and glowing SO DO NOT do anything to it but a bit of luke warm water and that is IT. DO NOT TOUCH OR PUT anything but a light moisture with a little SPF in it. That is all folks!! Apply your makeup & look like the Star that you are!! LAST THING I DO- Before bed I keep a rich Shea butter hand cream on my night stand and apply on hands & feet before dreamland!! AND apply my natural favorite essential oil Lip balms never forget those. Wake up with the most supple lips all prepped & ready for my AV Pro Lipsticks and Luminous Gloss 😉
Pam – Coconut oil – skin and hair.
I need skincare for anti aging an firming under my chin what’s good?
Submitted by: Donna Owens
Hello I think I answered this pretty well in this question so you may want to go read that post !! Please describe your skincare regimen –
I can add some to this for your question, many of the top Dermatologists and plastic surgeons have some of the best products for specific areas such as under the chin or necks etc. I would visit your top Doctor or Derm and see what they have just for you or what they would recommend for your specific areas. Remember that is not an over the counter average product when you get that specific you go to the best!!! That is where all the Celeb’s go for all of their special needs!!! You will always find what you are looking for with people that know and care about you!!! You deserve it so just go and or call them!! Many Plastic Surgeons now a days do so much face work they usually even have many special skin care items and products you will not find anywhere else. They get the best usually from Europe 😉 Trust me on this one… xo
He is one of the best in the world and a dear friend this is his pick: http://beautybystevens.com/category/products/
What’s the best way to keep eyeliner from smudging and lipstick from bleeding and at 71 should you tone the eyeliner down or does it matter?
Submitted by: Daisy Day
AV – Hello my last question for this evening and it is 3 hours past my bedtime!! What a lovely age you are 71 is a baby that is what my 99 year young Grandmother Alma would always say ” If I were only 75 again boy would I have fun and flirt more with the handsome waiters” !! We had a ball she was always done up like Monroe! Eye Liner the way Sofia Loren wore it was her trademark and with her left over she always the glam diva she was, did herself that beauty mark and nailed it every time! My Retro Cake Eye Liner which is exactly what these woman Monroe and Alma ever my Mother wore and it never smudged at all there is no grease or oil to allow that to perhaps happen. It is goof proof and long lasting and fun, sexy and easy to apply!! One of our #1 sellers too btw! NO do not tone it down play it up! “Sexy is any age and we are all ageless”!! by Alexis just now!
re: Bleeding lips this is an easy one too now we have cell phones not Etch A Sketch which was my computer as a child right and look at cars. So now we look at makeup and here is the trick. I make the best Liquid Stay Pout Lip Stain and if you read my Book Alexis Vogel Prof. Techniques there is an entire chapter dedicated to a new way I developed on doing lips with top Pro products in a system I designed that will not only NOT bleed but will stay put or Pout all day long!! Actually you can try our ” I just want her Lip Kit”!!! Comes with an Instructional Tutorial Card to learn & teach you how-Before any lip application even mine or if you use other products I have an eye primer called Filler’Up but everybody uses it for not only around the eyes also a #1 seller for AV but around the mouth area too it is miraculous and I am not tooting my own horn here lol! It actually primes the delicate skin areas and then fills in any fine lines it hides them right before your eyes!!! It is unreal or surreal!! My asst when I used it on her the 1st time almost fell off the Makeup Chair in disbelief and just lost it. “OMGsh OMGsh she could not stop saying that she was all where did my laugh line go right before my eyes where are they ?” So the magic potion Primer for eyes, lips all around the mouth and it is super non drying it hydrates!! There is tea tree oil and other good ingredients in it!! Then some light foundation/powder/ stain and lip defining pencil mixing that in with the stain to enhance shape and lock in the lips. Then go over it all with our gorgeous staple perfect color hand created by me Pro Lip stick & your lips are not going anywhere for 12 hours!! If you are really careful and drink with a straw longer and no napkins eat carefully those lips will stay into the night. A drop of our Luminous Gloss over top and the Youthful -dewy radiant softness, is gorgeous. The gloss in small dabs will also keep your lips feeling hydrated through your day. I hope I answered this for you! 🙂 xo
My beautiful Glamother Alma in full makeup she always did it though I did put some gloss on her in this photo at age 97 just 2 years ago
What is Pamela’s typical workout routine?
Submitted by: Dianna Pietrzak
Pam – I walk with friends, family, dogs. We are an ‘outdoors’ family. We live on the beach. I also like Pilates and gyro-tonics.. . I have a private instructor when I’m home I try to do as much as possible. I am the best vegan I can be… It’s a journey. My body feels best when I’m active and eating well. Traveling I try to stay hydrated – but I don’t drink enough water. I do not drink caffeine anymore. That was life changing. It removed a lot of anxiety.
What brand and number does Pam use for her hair color?
Submitted by: Elizabeth Houle
Pam – I change it all the time. But, prefer organic brands. Or whatever mom has under the sink when I visit her. We do our hair together sometimes – when the men are out of the house. And, do our nails. It’s not a pleasant smell. It takes 1/2 hr. And costs less than $10.00
Better than sitting in a salon for hours. Its private, fun and does the trick. I spend a lot of time in makeup chairs for work. I cant imagine filling my days with it all.
What does Pamela use to keep her hair so healthy and skin so beautiful!
Submitted by: Jean Harbrige
Pam – My hair has been through a lot. Cutting it so short was a blessing and a curse. It was an emotuonally loaded decision. Listening to others who didn’t have my best interest at heart. It had the opposite effect- though. It revealed a side not many see. It was a vulnerable decision. I’m still recovering from. My hair has grown past my shoulders now. I am back to coloring myself. Which is what Ive always done. I have a lot of hair. Its coming back with a vengeance.
Very symbolic of the time I was in and where I am now.